How to Grow and Care For Aloe Vera Plants

You must be knowing that Aloe vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. For thousands of years, aloe vera has been used medicinally by ancient civilizations around the world. Aloe vera is a very short-stemmed or stemless plant that grows 60–100 centimeters tall. The plant’s flowers are produced in the summer on the end of stalks in shades of yellow, red, or orange. Aloe vera prefers indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can dry out the plant too much or its fleshy leaves may turn yellow. If you keep the plant in direct sunlight then you may need to water more often. Aloe vera has been used medicinally for thousands of years all around the world. Here’s how to grow and take care of an aloe plant so you can obtain all its benefits year-round.


How to Care for an Aloe Vera Plant


1. Temperature

Usually, Aloe vera grows naturally in dry, semi-tropical, or tropical environments. It does best in temperatures between 55 and 80°F. Do not leave the plant outside if it is forecasted to dip below 40 F. Aloe cannot tolerate a freezing environment. Eventually, the temperatures of most homes and apartments are ideal.


2. Lighting

Aloe Vera needs bright, natural light in order to grow. Direct sun can burn its tender skin and lack of light will cause the plant to grow leggy as well as weaken its leaves, causing them to crease.


3. Fertilizing

Aloe vera does not require any fertilization. As it grows best in poor soil conditions. If you want to fertilize your plant then you can fertilize it in spring, which can help maintain vibrant growth of the plant. Make sure to follow the directions on the package and dilute the fertilizer to half-strength. Keep in mind that too much fertilizer can harm your aloe plant.


4. Watering

Aloe vera doesn’t need a lot of water, as they are succulents. If you will overwater them then the plant will start to root. Check the soil before watering if the soil is completely dry then water the plant. If the soil remains dry for long periods of time, the leaves will shrivel and pucker slightly. The Aloe vera plant goes dormant in the winter and won’t require any water at all. Watering the aloe plant once per week should be plenty unless the plant is in a very hot, dry environment.


5. Soil

Aloe vera commonly grows in nutrient-poor soil conditions, as it will grow best in well-draining soil. You can make use of a commercial potting mix, a cactus potting medium, or traditional potting soil mixed with perlite and coarse sand. Always remember that aloe prefers its soil slightly acidic. Aloe vera can also grow in neutral or alkaline soils, as well.


Removing & Replanting Aloe Vera Offsets

Removing & Replanting Aloe Vera Offsets

An Aloe vera plant often produces offsets also known as pups or plantlets. Which actually can be removed to produce an entirely new plant. Here are some tips for replanting the aloe vera plant.

  • Firstly look for where the offsets are attached to the plant and separate them using scissors, or a sharp knife. You have to leave at least an inch of stem on the offset.
  • Now you have to allow the offset to sit out of the soil for a few days. This process lets the offset form a callous over the cut, which helps to protect it from rot. Keep the offsets in a warm location with indirect light during this time.
  • Check whether the offsets have formed callouses, if yes then pot them in a standard succulent potting mix.
  • Now put the newly-potted pups in a sunny location. Keep the soil on the dry side. Wait at least a week to water.


How to Get Your Aloe Vera to Flower

How to Get Your Aloe Vera to Flower

Mature aloe vera plants produce a tall flower spike known as an inflorescence, in which dozens of tubular red or yellow blossoms appear. But unfortunately, aloes achieve blooms very rarely. As the plant needs ideal conditions to produce flowers. It requires the right temperature range, sufficient water, and lots of light. These tips might help you to get beautiful flowers on your aloe.

  • Give the plant as much light as possible, especially during spring and summer. Do not move the plant directly from indoors to the full sun. As it needs time to adjust to the intense light, or it may sunburn.
  • Water the plant, as it should get the right amount of water. The plant should not dry out completely.
  • Provide your aloe with a proper dormancy period in the fall and winter. Aloe might bloom in late winter or early spring. So giving them a period of rest consisting of less frequent watering as well as cooler temperatures may encourage them to flower.

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