How Media Affect your Kids and what you can do about it

1. What Families Can Do

In this digital age, it’s important for kids to develop media-literacy skills. Parents, Relatives, and Teachers should help their kids to take a good message from the media.

What Families Can Do

Your child can learn many new things if you teach them properly. Due to advanced technology, there are many options and opportunities to learn great things. Parents should identify their child’s expectations. Emphasize the difference between social networking and real life. Educate your child that what is good for him for his future.


2. Seek Out Positive Role Models

The fictional characters and stars that kids idolize create a huge impact on every child’s life. If your child looks for a positive role model then he can achieve huge success in his life.

Seek Out Positive Role Models

Positivity is the most important thing in everyone’s life. When a child has a positive role model, they are likely to engage in constructive actions like the person they look up to. The way you use media and tech has a huge influence on your kids, and you can be a great role model for using them mindfully.


3. Point Out Photos That Look Too Good To Be True

When you are standing in line at the grocery store with your children, take a look at magazine covers. Explain to your child how publishers use computers to airbrush images of people.

Point Out Photos That Look Too Good To Be True

They can learn many things from this kind of conversation. You can teach your kid how they can be recognized for their talents. If they work hard with determination then no one can stop them from achieving success.


4. Children Should Avoid Using Smartphones

The most downside of social media is the addiction it creates. Constantly checking the news feed of different social media sites becomes an addictive habit.

Children's Should Avoid Using Smartphones

Kids who use smartphones while going to bed often don’t get enough sleep at night. It can also distract your child from important tasks like homework and extracurricular activities. This may impact his school performance. The less your child uses smartphones the more he gets the time to focus on the things that will be beneficial in his life.


5. Encourage Your Children To Engage In More Real Life Communication

You should encourage your child to focus on group discussions rather than chatting on various social media platforms. Parents should teach their children the importance of spending more time in real-life friendships and activities.

Encourage Your Children To Engage In More Real Life Communication

Give them enough freedom, but ensure they know you are aware of their online habits. If your child gets upset while looking at his phone talk to him about it. He may need guidance on how to handle the situation. Let them understand that having thousands of followers on social media platforms doesn’t mean that they are cool.

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